Share the Warmth Coat Drive
Collecting New or Good Condition Coats
Sundays Jan. 15th and 22nd @1lam
Drop off location: 855 Brotherhood Way
Sizes Needed: Large, XL, 2X, 3X

Stand-Up For Kids
Donation Options
$10.00 - Two Food Packs
$15.00 - 2 Hygiene Kits
$25.00 - Sleeping Bag
$50.00 - Jacket
$75.00 - Transit Pass
$100.00 - Homeless Student Sponsorship (1 Month)
$250.00 - Diapers etc. for Homeless Youth Parents
$500.00 - 1 Semester Stipend for Youth in High School

CityTeam San Francisco
Drinks: Bottles of water or juice boxes
Snacks: Granola Bars, Chips, Crackers
Cups of fruit or pudding
100 durable dinner plates
Hygiene Supplies: toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, shampoo, conditioner, and deodorant, masks, hand sanitizer
New Socks
To Go Containers for food distribution
Tickets to entertainment or events to be used for field-trips for the men in our programs
We are always in need of proper winter clothing for men, women, and children, such as: warm jackets, shoes, sleeping bags, and thick blankets for the people who are living on the streets.
Please view their volunteer opportunities to see how you can donate your time in other ways in our programs!
Check out our Amazon Smile Wishlist!
1. Go to Amazon Smile Wishlist
2. Select the CityTeam city you would like to donate to.

Toy/Gift Drive, Christmas 2019
Santa Claus, Second Food Harvest, 49ers Academy and Ravenswood School District will be distributing toys for the children of East Palo Alto on Saturday December 14th and are seeking gift donations for their children. Anything appropriate for boys and girls ages 2-12 would be greatly appreciated. A gift that always bring smiles are bicycles. Gift wrapped would be a bonus but not required. A financial dontation is also appreciated so we can buy the toys ourselves.
In addition, kids from the Stand-Up for Kids program Silicon Valley (http://www.standupforkids.org/siliconvalley) will also be in need of a christmas gift. Items that are usually helpful are shoes or gift cards. Last year, we received financial donations and were able to purchase shoes for over 30 kids.
Turn180 will be purchasing gifts for kids from the financial donations provided and will be delivering them as well. If you have a present that you would like to donate, please email me to arrange a pickup.

Turkey Drive 2019
Ravenswood School district, 49ers Academy and Second Harvest Food Bank will be providing food to families in East Palo Alto on Saturday November 16th. If you are interested in helping the cause, please consider a monetary donation for turkeys so that families can enjoy them this holiday season. T180 will be purchasing the turkeys so any contribution would be helpful. Click on the "donate" button in the upper left side of the webpage.