Turn 180
Turn 180 is about supporting people who want to live a purpose-filled life and contribute to society. One of the big choices we all have to make is whether to turn inward and feed One’s selfish desires or turn outward and embrace your calling to help others. Turn180 is for anyone who wants to make a difference by serving others and bringing more love and acceptance into the world.
turn 180 is comprised of a group of people from all backgrounds and ages that just want to help others. There is no such thing as "bad" help if your heart is in the right place. Turn 180 to us can mean all of the following things: giving time and or funding, serving, volunteering, friendships, bible studies, real and meaningful conversations, truth and a selfless perspective with the accompanying actions to try and cause change and make a difference.
Our Mission is to help individuals change their focus from inward and selfish to outward and giving. Change your heart, do something to help others and love people.
compassion, care, caring, regard, solicitude, concern, friendliness, friendship,kindness, charity, goodwill, sympathy, kindliness, altruism, unselfishness,philanthropy, benevolence, fellow feeling, humanity
"their love for their fellow human beings"