Opportunities: Food Distribution, Drivers needed for home deliveries and Turkey donations for families for Thanksgiving to be delivered on the third Saturday of November. Special Christmas Donations: Toys or gift cards for children ages 2-14 to be delivered by Santa on the third Saturday of December Location: Costano School & 49ers Academy: 2695 Fordham St., East Palo Alto, CA 94303 Age: Open to all ages, bring the whole family • Ravenswood City School District & 49ers Academy http://www.ravenswood.k12.ca.us/domain/28 • 49ers Academy | Our Story http://www.49ers-academy.org/our-story.html • Second Harvest Food Bank http://www.shfb.org/
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Earlier Event: March 10
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: CityTeam Bags of Love Program
Later Event: April 14
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: CityTeam Bags of Love Program